Create One "Highlight" Every Day | #45
Discover the power of daily "highlights" to boost productivity - pick one essential task each day, focus, and reflect. #ProductivityHacks
This is something I heard a couple of months ago when
on was talking to Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky and I have been using it more each week since, as it has been working really well.Basically, every day you want to choose something important to complete. One big task.
That task can be something urgent that just needs to get done, or it can be something that will give you satisfaction at the end of the day for completing.
Then, in the morning, write it down!
Or in my case, I’ve added it to my Google calendar. I’ve booked out anything from 10 mins to 1-1.5 hours on the days I did it to focus on this big task and make sure I don’t get distracted.
It works quite well when you do it consistently, and you still get good benefits if you do it semi-consistently like myself (with the aim to improve :D).
Next, you have to do the thing, and when you do it, reflect on it! Are you satisfied? Why? Why not?
It might help to add them to the calendar event and save them in the meeting agenda—I’m trying to add this to my process as well. Use similar text in the titles too, and you’ll be able to find them in the future much easier.
If you have information of all your highlights in your calendar, it can make it easier to look back at year-end review time.
This is the stuff you are likely to be most proud of, so this is the best way to showcase what you can do.
For my past tips check out my past posts on Substack or check out the hashtag #JohnsTipOfTheWeek on LinkedIn.