Update your Linkedin Custom URL | #28
Customize your LinkedIn URL to match your name for a polished CV. A simple, impactful change to stand out to recruiters. Easy to update in profile settings.
I made a resolution at the beginning of 2023 to get back to being more active on linkedin and as an extension here on this website, getting more of my thoughts onto some medium of content I can share with you, and also getting back active in the Meetup & Networking scene in Dublin.
I succeeded only partially on each of these goals for various reasons — one being a 2 month old child, but that’s only making excuses for myself.
I need to give myself a proper goal to be more active, and the best way I can think of right now to do that is to give myself a more refined public goal for 2024.
So, introducing the first of #JohnsTipOfTheWeek — the first of 52 musings in 2024 about anything I learned, experienced or simply find interesting that may be useful to you fine folk. I don’t really have a topic in mind, so we’ll see where this takes us!
Update your Linkedin custom URL before sharing it on your CV or to recruiters!
One of the best things you can do when changing your career, is to refine your CV as much as possible so that it can stand out. An easy way to make it look a little bit better, is by having a linkedin URL that matches your name and doesn’t have a bunch of random digits.
Over the past few years I have seen many CVs and quite a few of them were still using the default URL that is given to you when you first join Linkedin. This is customisable, and very easy to do so.
Simply go to your profile and hit the edit button on the Public profile & URL section and you’ll be able to change the last piece of the URL. I’ve circled it in my screenshot here so you can find it more easily.
For my past tips check out my past posts on Substack, go to my weekly list tip on Medium, or check out the hashtag #JohnsTipOfTheWeek on LinkedIn.